Workout Wednesday

Wanna run a 5K and have a great time with the girls?  You do!  Then, I have got the race for you!  Check out the Pretty Muddy 5K.  It is a fun filled, obstacle (optional) course filled run, with NO MEN allowed!

There are so many awesome obstacles on this course.  They are completely optional…the muddy ones are optional too, but with an obstacle called “Better Than a Dirty Martini” (see above video) why wouldn’t you want to do it!?!  I know I will be, and I would love for you to join me in this totally fun 5K.

Here are the Pretty Muddy dates and locations so far, and they are still adding on more locations!

June 1 – Dallas, TX
June 29 – Sacramento, CA
September 7 – Chicago, IL
September 14 – Columbus, OH
September 28 – Richmond, VA
October 12 – Atlanta, GA
November 30 – Tampa, FL
December 7 – Miami, FL

Here is a great discount code for a one time $20 discount coupon code GIRLTIME that expires on January 31st, so sign up now for a race near you! Here is a step-by-step guide for using your discount code:

First click on the event you want to register for using the links. You should see this:


Click on the pink link that says “Enter promotional code” – It brings up a box you can type in.


Type GIRLTIME and hit apply.  Then, enter the quantity and hit register.

Workout Wednesday 2

It is Workout Wednesday, so it is time to get our workout on!  This is based off of an old CrossFit workout of the day that I have done in the past.  Well, the running part is.  The original workout was to run for 1/2 mile, 75 sit-ups, 50 kettlebells, and 50 squats.  I’ve added a link to an example of the lunges with shoulder press.  Remember to stretch when you are done!

Just a Little Crossfit

10 thoughts on “Workout Wednesday

  1. Lisa @ RunWiki

    I might be the only person who doesn’t think running through mud sounds fun. 🙂 I must try Crossfit, so many people are passionate about it, and I can see the appeal! Have a wonderful week!

    1. fromfltond Post author

      The mud is usually optional at all of the mud races, so you might want to give one a try.
      CrossFit is so great! You are constantly improving with each workout, and your endurance builds up quickly.

  2. Lessons Life Teaches Me

    Good workout. I wish my gym had kettlebells. I feel like I am going to smack myself in the face when I use them though, so maybe its a good thing. 🙂


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