Tag Archives: girl scouts

Operation Cookie Drop

I know after yesterday’s post many of you are curious as to how “operation cookie” drop went.  Well…It was a smashing success!!  Only 2 people swore at me when they saw me dropping off the cookies, and then swore at me a bit more while they were eating the cookies.  I consider that a major success (I know what you are thinking…no I don’t feel guilty, and yes I notice the hypocrisy), and I didn’t eat a single Girl Scout cookie. I even got a bit carried away with the whole “running from Girl Scouts” theme, and told my classes that the Girl Scouts were chasing us while we were doing our sprints in Spinning, and they were trying to make us eat their cookies.  Everyone laughed at this quite a bit, and it helped keep their minds off of all the sprints I was making them do in our Killer Ladders class.

I do have one small problem on the cookie front still…I have to go back to the grocery store tomorrow afternoon to get some more fresh produce and milk.  However, I have my fail safe plan all ready for execution.  This time I will go out the other exit where the Girl Scouts are not at.  How is that for pure genius!?!  Don’t you wish you had my brains?  Although, heaven help me if they are at both exits next time.  Those girls can be pretty crafty little buggers.  After all, they get merit badges for crafts!

The American Heiress

Now to go from cookies to our book club meeting.  We read the The American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin.  Most of our group found the book a bit predictable, monotonous, and farfetched.  If you are reading this Ms. Goodwin, I’m so sorry.  I don’t like writing anything negative about books.  I read this book last summer, and I found it to be a nice light read.  We then discussed the fashion, food, and culture of the late 1800s, which is the time period the book was set in.


Our hosts made the theme for the evening “indulgence,” so while we were discussing the book, we ate some gorgeous and delicious chocolate covered strawberries.  Fruit and chocolate?…I don’t see how this can be bad!  Then, after our discussion we had chocolates, specialty cheeses, designer crackers, and chocolate cake from heaven.  There were also magazine door prizes to go along with the whole fashion theme in the book and tourist magazines for England.  Sorry I don’t have more pictures for you of the wonderful food, but I had to leave early when my son and husband called saying they were stuck in the snow.

The Dovekeepers

Next month we are reading The Dove Keepers by Alice Hoffman.  Now, I’ll be honest.  I started this book last year, got stuck and set it down on page 82, and I haven’t picked it back up since.  Has anyone read this book?  Opinions?

Don’t forget to enter the GIVEAWAY I have going on for an autographed copy of The Fault in our Stars by John Green!  I could not put this book down once I started it!!

Workout Wednesday 2

It is Workout Wednesday time!  This is a quick 15 minute workout that you can literally do anywhere!  All you need is your own body!  If you are unsure of how to do one of the exercises, there are links to examples on my Exercise Glossary page.  Remember to stretch when you are done!
15 Minute Burner

Running from Little Girls

Before I tell you about my totally horrifying grocery store story, I would like to tell you a little flaw I have….I have NO self control when it comes to dessert.  There, it is out in the open.  I feel much better having told you this.  I’m one of those people who love their desserts, and it is a bit of a problem.  Lets say there’s a plate of cookies in the house; I will eat a few and feel guilty.  Then, to make matters worse, I feel like I have to get rid of them quickly which in turn makes me eat even more (I do save some for my son).  The theory being that if I eat them now then I cannot eat them later.  Sound theory huh…more like moronic, but this is what I do.  This is why I do not make or buy large amounts of desserts.  If I do, I buy a serving for each of us, or if I make something I will take the rest to the neighbors.

On with my horrific story…

Yesterday, I went grocery shopping to get the items for our meal plan for the week.  Upon entering the store I saw them.  They were right there at the entrance waiting for me…knowing my weakness…cute little smiles plastered across their faces…GIRL SCOUTS!  Oh the horror!  It was all I could do not to turn tail and run, but we needed our groceries.  With their cute little smiles they asked me if I would like to buy some cookies.  My response, “I have to grocery shop first.”  FIRST!?!  What was I thinking saying “first”?  Now I have to deal with them when I leave.  I have no spine when it comes to Thin Mints and saying “no” to these sweet girls who are just trying to make money for their troop.

As I’m grocery shopping I come up with my escape plan to get out of the store without buying the cookies I know I will eat in less than 2 days.  My Plan:

  1. Find a group of people leaving the grocery store at the same time as me.
  2. Blend in with said group.
  3. Make my escape while the other grocers are blocking the Girl Scouts’ view of me.

With my plan in place I looked to blend in with a group after paying for my groceries, and here came a group of 3 grocers.  My plan was going to work perfectly!  I merged in with them, and made my way towards the exit.  The first grocer on my right broke off to buy cookies.  This was fine.  I still was safely hidden behind the 2 other grocers.  Then, the unthinkable happened.  Both of the women grocers that I was hiding behind made a U-turn!!  What!?!  This was not going according to my plans!  This brought me to a dead stop as I watched the women literally turn tail and run…and I do mean run, from the Girl Scouts towards the exit on the other side of the grocery store.  Then I remembered…there was another exit.  Why the hell didn’t I think of that!?!

Of course, at this point I’m wide open, and 4 of the sweetest girls were asking me if I, “…would like to buy any cookies.”  At this point I threw in the towel, put up my surrender flag, and bought those damn cookies.  I beat the hell out of a guy who tried to mug me once, but I cannot say no to girls selling cookies.  I’ve got major issues.

Therefore, with my cookies bought, I formed a new plan.  Leave the dangerous cookies in the trunk of my car, and drop them off at work tomorrow for all my coworkers.  I’ll let ya know how it goes.

Am I the only one with this problem?