Tag Archives: tabata workout

Did Someone Say TABATA?

Workout Wednesday 2

I love tabatas!  I may be in the minority with this, but I love the way my body feels after a tabata workout.  For those of you who have never done a tabata I’ll break it down for ya.  You do a specific exercise for 20 seconds, and then you take a 10 second break.  Repeat for a total of 8 times, so your whole tabata equals 4 minutes.  It is 4 minutes of sweat and you feel awesome afterwards!

Below is a tabata and strength based workout.  It is a great introduction to tabatas, since each tabata is broken up with weighted moves.  This will bring your heart rate back down, and give those lungs a chance to recover.

I taught this workout a few weeks back, and only a few swear words were thrown my way.  Winking smile

**Instructor Note**:  If you are going to teach this in one of your fitness classes, make sure you give alternatives to the burpees, mountain climbers, etc.  Also, at the very end I gave the option to just hold a plank in the last tabata.

Upper Body Tabata