Tag Archives: burpee workout

Full Body Burn


Well folks, it is only 3 days till we do Rita’s Burpee Mile!  This Saturday at 8am a group of us will be lining up at the Y to cheer Rita on while doing her mile of burpees around the track.  Rita really does know how to turn 51 with a bang!  Each of us will be taking turns doing laps of burpees with Rita to help keep her motivated.  Rita has asked that each of us dedicate each lap of burpees we do to someone or something.  Mine will be dedicated to my grandparents.  They were the people in my life who taught me to always look out for others and help them, that a individual can always make a difference, and so much more.

As for getting through a lap of burpees with the amazing Rita…I already called dibs on the second to last lap.  I know there is no way I can keep up with her in the beginning.  She is a power house!

Here are some fun burpee quotes I found online:



I died laughing at this one!  Stay with burpees my friend!


Workout Wednesday 2

I’ve kinda been slacking on my burpee pimpin’, so here is the burpee themed workout that I came up with and did last weekend, or if you are looking for a different burpee themed workout try my Burpee Time workout.  I hope you sweat as much as I did!  I’ve put links to two new exercise moves that I have not shared yet.  The rest are all on the Exercise Term Glossary page.  Remember to stretch when you have finished.  Burpee On!!

Full Body Burn Workout

The Burpee Mile


Many of you have read about some of the workouts I do with my trainer, Rita, on Fridays.  Therefore, you know what an amazing coworker and fitness minded woman she is.  Rita is such an uplifting and motivating woman, especially when it comes to making others stronger, inspired, and more motivated.

The Burpee Mile

Rita has a big birthday coming up in the beginning of March, and she wants to, “End her year of being 50 with a bang” (those are her words).  Guess what Rita has decided to do for her big “bang”?  Give up?  She will be doing the Burpee Mile!!  Most people who are turning 51 just want cake, drinks, and a nice get together with friends.  Not Rita!  She will be ending her 50th year by doing a mile of burpees!  It gets better too!  Not only is she doing a mile of burpees, Rita is doing a mile of burpees with push-ups!  Honestly, I dream of having her endurance one day, and can only pray that my wrinkly butt can do a mile of burpees when I’m 50.

Rita will be doing her Burpee Mile at the end of February (tentative date of Feb 27th), and a group of us will be taking turns doing the Burpee Mile with her.  You have to do 8 laps around our indoor track at the Y to equal a mile, and there will be 8 of us each doing 1 lap.  A week ago when the track was empty I tried doing some burpees to see how far I could get.  I purposely waited till it was empty just in case I made a fool of myself…I have a bit of an ego.  Halfway around the track I wanted to die or barf…maybe both.  So, I have some serious training to do.  What, may you ask can I do to train for the Burpee Mile (well 1/8th of it)?  Burpees!!  And some strength training too!

Now, I’m one of those people who love to hate burpees.  I absolutely hate them while I’m doing them, but afterwards I know the payoff is well worth it.  That is why I try to do some each week, and it looks like I will be doing a lot more for awhile too!  So for now this is my moto:

Feel free to join us while training for the Burpee Mile, or just to cheer Rita on!  And, here is a burpee loaded workout for Workout Wednesday to help you and me get through that mile…well, 1/8 of it Smile . Hopefully I will be able to do more when it comes time!  If you are a beginner to working out, knock down the 1 minute increments of burpees down to 30 seconds.  Take a 30 sec – 1 min break between each set.  Remember to stretch when you are done!

Burpee Time