Tag Archives: workout with weights

Full Body Burn


Well folks, it is only 3 days till we do Rita’s Burpee Mile!  This Saturday at 8am a group of us will be lining up at the Y to cheer Rita on while doing her mile of burpees around the track.  Rita really does know how to turn 51 with a bang!  Each of us will be taking turns doing laps of burpees with Rita to help keep her motivated.  Rita has asked that each of us dedicate each lap of burpees we do to someone or something.  Mine will be dedicated to my grandparents.  They were the people in my life who taught me to always look out for others and help them, that a individual can always make a difference, and so much more.

As for getting through a lap of burpees with the amazing Rita…I already called dibs on the second to last lap.  I know there is no way I can keep up with her in the beginning.  She is a power house!

Here are some fun burpee quotes I found online:



I died laughing at this one!  Stay with burpees my friend!


Workout Wednesday 2

I’ve kinda been slacking on my burpee pimpin’, so here is the burpee themed workout that I came up with and did last weekend, or if you are looking for a different burpee themed workout try my Burpee Time workout.  I hope you sweat as much as I did!  I’ve put links to two new exercise moves that I have not shared yet.  The rest are all on the Exercise Term Glossary page.  Remember to stretch when you have finished.  Burpee On!!

Full Body Burn Workout

Workout Wednesday and a Dysfunctional Relationship

Hi! My name is Andrea and I’m in a dysfunctional relationship…with my BlackBerry. We have been in this relationship for over 2 years and the last 6 months have been a strain. BlackBerry likes to act up/act out, and I sit back and take it all.  I will patiently remove the battery several times a day in attempt to regain internet access, and charge the battery several times a day.  Why you may ask?  Well, because BlackBerry has a keyboard.


Honestly, at this point there are too many problems between us.  When I took Blackberry into the cell store to see if there was anything I could do I was told no.  The college kid working was kind enough to give me a pat on the back and tell me I would be better off with the upgrade, and would have less stress in my life.

I have threatened to give up my BlackBerry many times at this point, but I always go back to it because of the keyboard. I don’t do well with typing on little touch screens, but at this point I have to end my dysfunctional relationship before one of us gets thrown out of a window (and I don’t want to have to pay for a window repair). Therefore, I’m finally breaking down and purchasing an IPhone this week. It is sad, but putting that in writing is so hard. It is going to be even harder making the switch. Wish me luck! Any IPhone owners out there? Are you happy with your relationship with your IPhone?

Every Accomplishment

Despite my break-up with BlackBerry life must go on, because it is Workout Wednesday!!!  Time to shape up that body, burn some fat, and tone those muscles.  Today I’m doing a full body workout that involves supersets.  Each superset consists of 3 exercises.  Do 2-3 sets of each super set before moving on to the next (each superset is in a blue rectangle)In between each superset is a short cardio section that equals 3 minutes.  I’ve included the links to new workout moves that you may be unsure of.  Proper form keeps you from injuries.  Remember to stretch!

Shape it up