Tag Archives: circuit

Back to Basics

Workout Wednesday 2

Well, I’ve finally had some time to type up a fun basic workout for the beginner.  Lately I have been working with a group of beginners to the fitness world.  They have been enthusiastic and very motivated, and I’m beyond proud of them!

Below is a great circuit workout that will introduce you to basic plyo and weighted moves.

Complete each circuit 2-3 times before moving on to the two individual exercises, and then on to the next circuit.  Feel free to end you workout with some abdominal work!


Back to Basics Circuit

Full Body Burn


Well folks, it is only 3 days till we do Rita’s Burpee Mile!  This Saturday at 8am a group of us will be lining up at the Y to cheer Rita on while doing her mile of burpees around the track.  Rita really does know how to turn 51 with a bang!  Each of us will be taking turns doing laps of burpees with Rita to help keep her motivated.  Rita has asked that each of us dedicate each lap of burpees we do to someone or something.  Mine will be dedicated to my grandparents.  They were the people in my life who taught me to always look out for others and help them, that a individual can always make a difference, and so much more.

As for getting through a lap of burpees with the amazing Rita…I already called dibs on the second to last lap.  I know there is no way I can keep up with her in the beginning.  She is a power house!

Here are some fun burpee quotes I found online:



I died laughing at this one!  Stay with burpees my friend!


Workout Wednesday 2

I’ve kinda been slacking on my burpee pimpin’, so here is the burpee themed workout that I came up with and did last weekend, or if you are looking for a different burpee themed workout try my Burpee Time workout.  I hope you sweat as much as I did!  I’ve put links to two new exercise moves that I have not shared yet.  The rest are all on the Exercise Term Glossary page.  Remember to stretch when you have finished.  Burpee On!!

Full Body Burn Workout

Getting Organized and a Full Body Workout

It is time for me to get better organized!  I’m actually an organize freak, but when it comes to workout routines I come up with while I’m at the gym things are a little different.  I’ll write what I do down on a sheet of paper, and then shove it in a folder or in a file bin (in no order).  Then, I will proceed to pile more papers and workouts on top of that.

Well, I decided to spend part of this week getting everything in order and in 3-ring binders with page protectors.  A lot of my stuff got shoved into a box once we moved to North Dakota and I was no longer going to a gym.  I feel like I’m making new discoveries while organizing everything.

During my organizing rampage, I came across so many workouts that I loved to do at our gym in Florida.  One in particular was a favorite of mine.  I was so excited to come across it!  It will be my workout for Saturday morning!


This workout will have you finding those muscles you didn’t know you had and burning those calories off from you Halloween candy in no time!  Make sure you do some cardio before or after this workout too!  I taught my 30 minute spinning class, but this 30 Minute Treadmill Interval would go great with this weight workout.

Below are examples you can view if you are not sure of how to do a certain exercise and a readable version of this workout!

Find Your Muscles Workout

Stability Ball Workout #2

Today is another wonderfully chilly day in North Dakota with snow still on the ground from yesterday; however, it is nowhere near as bad as it was 2 years ago when we moved here.  See the picture below?  That was Oct 27, 2010.  Need I say more?  And, those are not Christmas lights on the deck, they are Halloween lights!!


Thankfully I’m not staring at that this morning!

Today I wanted to work on some more exercises on the stability ball.  I love the way I can work my core during the whole workout and these are some of my favorite moves that I’ve been doing for years.  Below is the workout I did.  I ended up doing 4 sets of each circuit…I also had 3 cups of coffee this morning.  In case you are unsure of how to do an exercise, I have included links (below) to examples of each exercise.  After my workout, I pulled out one of my trusty yoga videos.  My muscles are pretty tight from this week, and I need to get a really good stretch in.

The scorpion is a favorite.  We did it in our first circuit with Best Body Bootcamp, and I just had to share it with ya!  I haven’t done the scorpion in quite a few years, so it was “fun” to get back into that exercise againWinking smile.  Remember to stretch when your finished!!

Stability Ball Workout 2

A Beach Workout

Well, it is winter here in North Dakota.  This morning it is a whopping 23 degrees.  It has already snowed here a few times, and thankfully all of it melted.  However, the freezing cold weather is here to stay (no matter how much I beg and plead …okay maybe overly curse mother nature).  I know most of us want to hibernate once the cold weather hits, and this causes us to pack on the pounds.   Make this the year that you don’t hibernate and gain that winter weight!  Make it your goal to stay fit and healthy.  I know this will be my goal for the winter, and I know it is going to be hard.  There will come times when I will start pacing the kitchen (while hiding inside from the snow and –50 degree wind chills) craving something warm, gooey, and sweet.  I will fight it!!!  We all must or the winter weight gain will win again!!!  I will not let white, ugly, fluffy stuff that falls from the sky be the reason I gain weight and you mustn’t either!

So, we all must continue working-out throughout the horrible winter weather!  The added bonus is that by continuing your workouts or starting to workout you will have that beach body for next year!!  If you are just beginning, make sure you are incorporating cardio and weights into your weekly workout routine.  This will keep you toned and burning calories throughout the winter.

Right now I’m missing my beaches and warm weather in Florida a bunch.  Therefore, I pulled out this old workout I did a lot in Florida. You can do it on the beach or dreaming you’re at the beach .Hot smile

Also, stay tuned for a free give-away that will be announced this weekend!

Beach Workout 2

A Freakishly Good Workout

Bad news everyone!  It is freaking snowing and sticking to the ground here in good old ND this morning.  Needless to say, I’m not a happy camper and a few 4-letter words have been coming out of my mouth.  The good news is that Hank and Tilly are outside playing and living it up in the snow.  Lady and I (being the Florida girls that we are) are inside grumbling, so I decided to create some happy endorphins and workout.  Even though it is snowing outside, I thought I would go with a Halloween theme since the rest of the country is enjoying their fall weather!  After I finished this workout, I followed it up with my Ab-tastic 30 Workout.

Next up…crock-pot applesauce!  That should warm me up a bit!

A Freakishly Good Workout

6-Pack Ab Workout!

Well, fall/winter (lows in the teens) is here.  I’m not really all that excited about it since I love warm weather, but with fall comes heartwarming foods.  I have spent quite a bit of time in my kitchen baking the past few days.  I’m breaking out old recipes and creating new ones that use apples and pumpkin.  We have a ton of both ingredients.  With all this baking comes eating, or as I like to call it “taste testing,” and the taste testing has gotten a bit out of hand.  Like most women, what I eat loves to settle in my abdominal and thigh area.  So, this morning (before the baking begins yet again) I did some cardio and worked my abs pretty good with this 6-Pack Ab Workout.  I always go to these ab exercises when I fear the worst for my abdominal area.  This workout targets your oblique abs a bunch and will help those muscles pop!  If you are a beginner to working out, you may only want to do 2-3 sets of these exercises.  Remember to stretch afterwards!

100 Workout

This morning I was going through a lot of the old workouts I did after my son was born.  I was searching for something I have not done for a long time and would challenge me.  Well, I came across my 100 Workout!  After doing this workout I think I have an idea as to why I hid it to begin with…it is hard.  Here is how it works:  Do each exercise back to back with no breaks.  Then, take a 1 minute break after you finish the first circuit (after the 10 burpees).  After you take your 1 minute break go right back into it starting at 10 burpees and going back up to 100.  Your goal is to keep a good steady pace through the whole thing and try not to slow down.  To show off, my husband did this whole thing and then went through and did it again, so if you are in good shape and need even more of a challenge feel free to do both circuits twice!!!

100 Workout

A Killer Lower Body Circuit

This morning was beyond crowed with things I needed (and still need) to get done before I became busy with household chores (we only have 3 people in this house and there is enough laundry for a family of 10…where does it come from?),  volunteering at my son’s school and running my son to his various sports afterwards.  I needed to get in a quick workout that I knew would kick my butt and get my muscles going this morning.  I did jumping jacks in-between each set of leg exercises (not enough room to jump rope in our basement).  You could also jump rope in-between each exercise too.  If you are a beginner you may want to cut the number of sets back to 3 sets.  Remember to stretch afterwards!Smile

Lower-Body Blast Circuit

Lower-Body Blast Circuit

After my workout I made a quick bowl of steel cut oats with blueberries and ground up flax seeds.


I’m a huge fan of steel cut oats, blueberries, and flax.  It is a great combination of healthy fat burning food.  Actually, studies show that eating a diet rich in blueberries will help decrease belly fat!  This is the same fat that is also linked to cholesterol and diabetes.  Normally I have some egg whites to go with it, but I just didn’t have the time to make them.  However, the oats really hit the spot before I started my next workout….doing the daily laundry.Smile with tongue out

Sweat and an Easy Protein Smoothie

Shoulders, Jacks, & Abs

This is an easy shoulder circuit that I do when I need a quick workout!

You will do 3 sets of shoulders while doing Jumping Jacks and Abs in-between each shoulder rep. I usually do a 1 min recovery time in-between each set. Get ready to sweat!

After my workout I made a quick and Easy Fruit Protein Smoothie.

I used already cut frozen fruit (using frozen fruit makes the smoothie thicker), 6 oz of Greek fruit yogurt, protein powder, and milk.

I then blended it in my little blender

And you end up with a super easy, delicious, and healthy smoothie!!  Enjoy!!